Looking for an irresistible treat on a lazy afternoon? Try these delicious maple roasted almonds (or substitute almonds for whatever other nut is in your pantry)--you will find yourself reaching for them as a satisfying, healthy treat!
Maple Roasted Almonds:
6 cups whole almonds (unsalted)
3/4 cup Tapatree Whole Maple Syrup
2 tablespoons sea salt
1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Mix almonds, syrup and salt in a large bowl. Stir 'til throughly coated. (We often toss in some cayenne and/or cinnamon at this point for a little more kick!) Add oil and toss to coat. Spread coated almonds on parchment lined baking sheets. Bake at 350-degrees for approximately 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Keep a close eye on these babies, because things can get out of hand pretty quickly! Remember that you're really just heating the nuts and dehydrating the syrup til it forms a hard shell. Finished nuts will have a mahogany sheen, and will still be on the sticky side when you bring them out of the oven. Once you've removed the hot pans, slide the parchment and nuts off the trays and let the nuts cool on the paper resting on a cutting board. Break apart clumps as they cool. The hot nuts will continue to cook a bit on removal from the oven, leaving you with a shiny dry finish. Store in an airtight container after the nuts are totally cooled. You'll have to swat away your family to get to the storage step...there will be a crowd around the oven when the amazing smell starts wafting through your home! Enjoy!