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Father’s Day 2016

by Deanna Nelson | Jun 19, 2016 | blog |


Father’s Day typically finds me weeding in the gardens, listening to the wind blow through the treetops. My father passed over the Rainbow Bridge five years ago, and I feel his presence most in the garden, and even more so on Father’s Day. Yes, I know the Rainbow Bridge is typically used by dogs and other pets, but I am quite certain he’d have preferred this route rather than heading for a pearly gate! Everyone at Tapatree is celebrating dads past and present, and it’s a beautiful weekend for it!

We’ve started the day out with the twins learning how to make a maple-mint lemonade by the glass–a delicious treat. For those curious, it’s a ratio of 1:2:4 (maple, lemon juice, water), then infused with some fresh mint if you have it! Nice treat for dads and for everyone. Spread this little gem around, since the uninitiated don’t seem to realize that maple is perhaps the healthiest and most versatile sweeteners in the pantry. Later, we’ll be blending some of the darker batches into a barbeque sauce for the ribs…

With summer here, Tapatree is gearing up for a few select events:

7/1/16 (Friday): Mare’s Wares, Ogdensburg, NY; 7/30/16 (Saturday): Artists on the Point, Dexter, NY; and 9/17-18/16 (Saturday/Sunday): Harvest Fest, Sharon Springs, NY, 9/17-18

The syrup is bottled and ready for your creations! Soak up these early days of summer, and sweeten your life with some healthy, small-batch Tapatree syrups~

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