Ben's recipes are pure adventure... Even he cautions that you must taste and adjust as you move along. With these ingredients, we think you'll no doubt end up in a delicious place!
2 T. EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1.5 c. chopped celery
1.5 c. chopped onion
1.5 cloves minced garlic
1 T. tomato paste
2 T.+ Tapatree syrup (pref. early late)
15 oz. diced tomatoes
15 oz. vegetable broth
1-2 cans of blackeyed peas
Water, salt & pepper as needed
Develop first set of mirepoix ingredients until the onions and celery are translucent, add second set of ingredients, then simmer another 5 minutes. Add balance of ingredients, simmer for 30-45 minutes or until reduced well.
Jasmine Rice:
Rince 3-times in cold water prior to cooking per package instructions to reduce starch. Remove from heat, stir in 1-2 T salted butter. Add 4-5 fresh thyme sprigs to the top, cover, let stand 10-minutes to infuse rice. Serve!
Bon appetit!
